Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria, S.S., M.Hum
Greetings, CICERO!
I am delighted to welcome you to the English Literature Study Program of
Universitas Warmadewa and excited by the return of our dynamic campus life
after being hit by an outbreak of Covid-19.
This website is expected to provide you with information on
our study program, both academic and non-academic information. Students are
encouraged to actively visit our homepage to find out the latest news and
activities in our program. Significantly, the purpose of this platform is to
share our achievements, research projects, and involvement in the Study Program
and the Stakeholders that are related to the development of the nation and the
global community.
On this lovely occasion, I would also express my gratitude
for all contributions, remarkable effort, and enthusiasm that have been given by
many parties for the development of our beloved Study Program.
We will evaluate the information annually and would like to
hear from you how the changes we made are impacting the community.
We are working and will work hand-in-hand to give better
services to our students and the community.
With all best wishes,
Head of English Literature Study Program